Play the Expanded Weapon Proficiency Beta Today

Play the Expanded Weapon Proficiency Beta Today

Greetings, Tyrians!

For the past few weeks, we’ve been teasing information about our expanded weapon proficiency feature, which will be arriving early next year for everyone who owns Guild Wars 2™ : Secrets of the Obscure™. Each of our nine professions will have access to at least one new weapon and a smattering of new skills, which you can preview today!

The Expanded Weapon Proficiency beta event begins today and runs until 10:00 p.m. Pacific Time (UTC-8) on December 3. Please keep in mind that since this is a beta test, there will be placeholder UI, art, and audio for some of the weapon skills.

Today we have also introduced a host of balance updates for all of the professions, which you can read all about in our update notes.

How Can I Participate?

Every Guild Wars 2 account in good standing, including Play-for-Free accounts, will automatically get character slots marked “Beta” when the beta event begins. Clicking on one of these slots will allow you to create a character using any of the nine Guild Wars 2 professions.

From there, explore the open world or try a game mode dedicated to group play. You’ll find options to join World vs. World and structured Player vs. Player in the bar located at the top-left corner of your UI. To tackle the Fractals of the Mists instanced group content, visit Fort Marriner in Lion’s Arch and enter the portal.

Please note that the beta characters will disappear on December 3 at 10:00 p.m. Pacific Time (UTC-8) at the end of the event, and any gameplay progress earned while playing on them—including rewards and currency—will not be saved.

We’ve created a thread in each profession’s subforum for feedback from this beta. After you’ve had a chance to play, we’d like to hear what you think—what you enjoyed, what you think could be improved, and what you liked or disliked about the beta. Please visit the threads for elementalist, engineer, guardian, mesmer, necromancer, ranger, thief, revenant, and warrior to share your feedback.

Which New Weapons Can Each Profession Use?

Here is a handy list of the new weapons you can try out in the beta event. These will be fully released when the second major update for Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure goes live early next year. Click the links below if you missed any of our recent expanded weapon proficiency preview blogs:

Guardian: Pistol (main and off hand)
Revenant: Scepter (main hand)
Warrior: Staff
Engineer: Short bow
Ranger: Mace (main and off hand)
Thief: Axe (main hand)
Elementalist: Pistol (main hand)
Mesmer: Rifle
Necromancer: Sword (main and off hand)

Until next time: be safe, have fun, and game on! Read More

Travel in Comfort with the Adorable Plush Vulpine Jackal Skin

Travel in Comfort with the Adorable Plush Vulpine Jackal Skin

Plush Vulpine Jackal Skin

This soft fox will steal your heart with its plush adorableness. It’s the perfect companion to adventure with through the snowy winter months!

Black Lion Hero Point Scroll

In need of hero points? Get as many as you desire! The Black Lion Hero Point Scroll will unlock a random hero challenge from an expansion you already own. Scrolls can be bought individually or in packs of 5 and 25.

Black Lion Chest Update: Abyss Juncture Chest

Inside each chest, you’re guaranteed to find a redeemable Black Lion Statuette, a Black Lion Material Bag: Secrets of the Obscure, and two common items. You also have a chance to find something rarer in the fifth slot, including special items, glyphs, and weapon skins from the Paladin’s Decree Weapon Collection and the Abyss Stalker Weapon Collection.

Exclusive Item: Clockwork Scythe Staff Skin

Engines of futuristic synergy roar with alchemical precision. Stop the clock of life with a swift cut.

Black Lion Patron Pack

Give your account a cosmetic boost with the new Black Lion Patron Pack! This once-per-account upgrade includes everything you need to adventure in style:

2,400 Gems
5 Heroic Boosters
10 Black Lion Chest Keys
1 Guaranteed Dye Unlock
10 Transmutation Charges
New “Black Lion Patron” Title

Purchase the Black Lion Patron Pack here, and your items and gems will be granted in the game.

What’s in Stock

We’re refreshing our seasonal selection of permanent finishers and lounge passes with a 20% discount starting this Friday. The incredible discounted items include the Permanent Choya Finisher, Permanent Llama Finisher, Permanent Sandshark Finisher, Noble’s Folly Pass, and Armistice Bastion Pass!

Returning This Week

Character Slot Expansions are 20% off until December 11. It’s always a great time to create a new alt! Let your creavitity guide you.

Available Now in the Gem Store!

Log into Guild Wars 2 and press ‘O’ to access the Black Lion Trading Company for these great offers and more! Read More