27 birželio, 2024
With summer in full swing and our next expansion on the horizon, there is no better time to immerse yourself in the world of Guild Wars 2®! Explore past adventures and experience the latest expansion, Guild Wars 2®: Secrets of the Obscure™, now on sale for the first time!
Head on over to the official Guild Wars 2 website from Thursday, June 27 at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time (UTC-7) until Thursday, July 11 at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time (UTC-7) to take advantage of these discounts.
Guild Wars 2 Expansion Sales
The following discounted items are available now on the official Guild Wars 2 website, with similar deals on Steam!
Expansion 4: Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure
In a world finally safe from the Elder Dragons’ corruption, new threats rise to seek power. Embark on an epic journey and uncover the mysteries of the Wizard’s Tower as you defend the skies against incursions from the Mists. Unlock access to weapons that were previously exclusive to elite specializations for each profession, and an updated path to unlocking your skyscale mount.
Both Standard and Deluxe editions of Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure expansion are now available at a 20% discount.
Expansion 3: Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons
The future of Cantha is now. The dragon cycle that has sustained and blighted Tyria for ages is collapsing. Mortal hearts and choices will define this moment in history—and echo in the future forever. Unlock new elite specializations, Masteries, and more, including access to fishing and skiffs.
Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons® expansion is available now at a 50% discount!
Guild Wars 2—The Elder Dragon Saga Complete Collection
Experience the entire dragon cycle saga from beginning to end with Guild Wars 2—The Complete Collection. This bundle contains an entire decade’s worth of content! Included are Guild Wars 2 Living World® Seasons 2–5 and the first three expansions: Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns®, Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire®, and Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons®.
You’ll also get two Level-80 Boosts, allowing you to instantly level up two characters and jump straight into our latest content, with two Shared Inventory Slots to easily share items with every character on your account.
This collection is available now at a 50% discount until July 11. For players only interested in the expansions, the Standard and Deluxe editions of the Elder Dragon Saga Collection are discounted by 60%.
Expansions 1 and 2—Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns and Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire
Unlock mounts, gliding, and more with the first two expansions for Guild Wars 2. This package grants you access to a new profession, the revenant, as well as eighteen elite specializations to change the way you play. Experience the joy of movement with the best mounts in MMOs.
This expansion bundle is available now at a 75% discount!
Guild Wars
In addition to the Guild Wars 2 sales detailed below, we’re also discounting the original Guild Wars ® and all its expansions and editions by 75%! Now is the perfect time to experience the game that started it all. Fill your Hall of Monuments and unlock bonus items and titles that transfer to Guild Wars 2!
Third-Party Retailers
Our expansion sales are also available from the following third-party retailers:
Guild Wars 2 Steam
Guild Wars Steam
Hype Games (Brazil)
CDgalaxis (Hungary)
Gameliebe (Germany)
Gamecardsdirect (EUROPE)
Gamecardsdirect (France)
Gamecardsdirect (Netherlands)
Key4you (Czech)
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27 birželio, 2024
Greetings, Tyrians!
Today marks the arrival of the highly anticipated spear beta event. Spears are finally making landfall, and now is your chance to test them out across all professions and provide valuable insight and feedback! The event runs from June 27 at 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time (UTC-7) until June 30 at 10:00 p.m. Pacific Time (UTC-7).
If you have a Guild Wars 2® account in good standing, you are invited to try out the spear beta—you don’t need to prepurchase Guild Wars 2®: Janthir Wilds™ to join the fun.
How Can I Participate?
Every Guild Wars 2 account in good standing, including Play-for-Free accounts, will automatically get character slots marked “Beta” when the beta event begins. Clicking on one of these slots will allow you to create a character using any of the nine Guild Wars 2 professions.
From there, explore the open world or try a game mode dedicated to group play. You’ll find options to join World vs. World and structured Player vs. Player in the bar located at the top-left corner of your UI. To tackle the Fractals of the Mists instanced group content, visit Fort Marriner in Lion’s Arch and enter the portal.
Beta characters will disappear at the end of the event, and any gameplay progress earned while playing on them—including rewards and currency—will not be saved.
After you’ve had a chance to play, we’d like to hear what you think—what you enjoyed, what you think could be improved, and why you liked or disliked certain build changes in the beta.
Previous Beta Feedback
We have heard your feedback from the last beta events regarding our “under construction” icons for temp skills being a pain point. In an effort to improve the experience, we created these temporary icons. We hope these will help to address some pain points, confusion, readability issues and enhance the experience for those testing the new spear weapons.
To highlight these improvements, here is a showcase of the new temporary skill icons that players can anticipate, along with a simple breakdown of what each icon represents.
Ground-Targeted AoE: Launches an attack at a specified area on the ground.
Beneficial Effect: Applies boons or other helpful effects to you and your allies.
Projectile: Shoots one or more projectiles at a targeted enemy.
Player-Based AoE: Executes an area attack centered around the player.
Movement: Moves you a certain distance when activated.
Utility: Offers a variety of options, such as stealth and other versatile actions.
Melee: Delivers an attack directly in front of the player.
Line AoE: Unleashes an area attack in a straight line ahead of the player.
Healing: Restores health to you or an ally.
Defense: Provides defensive actions like blocking or evading attacks.
Cone: Executes an attack in a cone-shaped area in front of the player.
Crowd Control: Uses a skill to disable your enemy.
Spear Weapon Preview
As our fifth expansion, Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds, sets sail for release on August 20, players across all professions will have the opportunity to embark on a new combat journey. The long-awaited spear is finally making its debut on land! Join in on the conversation by catching up on our general spear Q&A and also learn how rangers, necromancers, and guardians wield spears. Additionally, check out our recent blogs detailing spear skills for warrior, thief, and engineer, as well as mesmer, elementalist, and revenant.
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25 birželio, 2024
Long-Awaited Vacation Appearance Package
Enter the magic of a beautiful sunlit beach with our amazing appearance package! Turquoise seas caressing your skin and warm sand between your toes will relax your body and soul. It’s a dreamy vacation you won’t soon forget—and you get to dress for the part!
This beachy package can be obtained for 2,800 gems. It contains the Tropical Beach Pack, Breezy Swim Pack, and Vacation Lounge Chair. Each pack and chair can be obtained individually.
The sensual Breezy Swim Pack includes the Breezy Swim Top Skin and Breezy Swim Bottom Skin; this pack is available for 1,000 gems. The fun Tropical Beach Pack consists of the Beach Hat Skin, Tropical Chest Skin, Beach Bracelet Skin, Tropical Legwear Skin, and Beach Sandals Skin; this pack is available for 2,000 gems. The dreamy Vacation Lounge Chair is available for 600 gems—and it seats two people so you can kick back with your best beach buddy.
Let’s all enjoy this lush tropical adventure!
Black Lion Chest Update: Neon Dreamer’s Chest
Inside each chest, you’re guaranteed to find a redeemable Black Lion Statuette, a Black Lion Mastery Coffer, and two common items. You also have a chance to find something rarer in the fifth slot, including special items, glyphs, and skins from the New Kaineng Weapon Collection and the Magical Weapon Collection.
Exclusive Item: Neon Demon Mask Skin
A whisper of a cybernetic demon emerges from the holographic shadows. Disguise yourself with neon lights and blend into the somber skies of New Kaineng’s busy districts. You are a rumored omen.
What’s in Stock
Take to the skies with our incredible discounts! Starting June 28 and continuing for the next few days, select gliders, backpacks, and combos will be 20% off, including the Crystalline Dragon Wings Backpack Glider Combo, Spellweaver Glider, Skyscale Squadron Glider, Aurene Wings Backpack and Glider Combo, and many more!
Returning This Week
Shared Inventory Slots are 20% off from today until July 2. Move items easily between your characters, now at an amazing discount!
Available Now in the Gem Store!
Log into Guild Wars 2 and press ‘O’ to access the Black Lion Trading Company for these great offers and more!
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25 birželio, 2024
The long-awaited Homesteads are finally arriving in our upcoming expansion Guild Wars 2®: Janthir Wilds™, and PC Gamer has an exclusive first look at what players can expect!
Homesteads are a significant evolution of the home instances players are familiar with (although they aren’t replacing home instances—those will still be around!), offering an enhanced experience for personalizing and upgrading your in-game sanctuary. Items previously collected in home instances can be seamlessly integrated into the new homesteads, ensuring continuity and familiarity. Players can increase their comfort level through various activities such as harvesting nodes, watering flowers, fishing, swimming, chopping trees, watching cats do cat things, and much more, all within the confines of their homestead.
Customization is at the heart of the Homesteads feature, allowing players to tailor their space to their aesthetic preferences. New and existing decorations will be craftable through the new personal scribing crafting discipline. Additionally, players can stable their mounts at their homestead, giving them a much-needed rest after long journeys. Alt characters will also be making an appearance, adding another personal touch to each homestead.
For a more complete overview of Homesteads, head over to PC Gamer’s exclusive preview. Keep a lookout on the Guild Wars 2 channels for more details about how Homesteads work, plus everything else you need to get ready for when Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds launches on August 20!
Prepurchasing any edition of Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds before the expansion launches will grant you the “Homesteader” title, the Whispering Serpents Pauldrons skin, and a box with your choice of one Serpent’s Wrath weapon skin.
Visit the official store page for full details on the items included in the Standard, Deluxe, and Ultimate editions.
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20 birželio, 2024
When Guild Wars 2®: Janthir Wilds™ launches on August 20, each of the nine professions will have access to a new set of spear weapon skills that have new skill effects and animations! If you missed the expansion details, be sure to check out our Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds announcement blog first.
In case you missed our previous spear blogs, catch up on the general spear Q&A first. We also released one blog detailing how rangers, necromancers, and guardians wield spears, followed by last week’s blog about spear skills for the warrior, thief, and engineer. This week, game designers Taylor Brooks, Karl McLain, and Cal Cohen from the Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds combat feature team are ready to discuss the mesmer, revenant, and elementalist respectively.
Spears Bring Clarity to Mesmers
The mesmers of Janthir look to the beauty of their environment to guide their spear. Through careful study of recursive designs they find in nature, they are able to weave their magic in similar patterns. Each pattern produces a unique effect, giving a spear-wielding mesmer a variety of ways to approach a fight.
The core of mesmer’s spear gameplay is the second weapon skill, Mind the Gap; you’ll channel energy into your spear and swing it around in a circle. This skill is special because you will want to hit enemies with the outer edge of its area of effect. If you correctly position yourself and secure a hit in the right area, you will do more damage and gain Clarity. The Clarity effect allows you to imbue the next pattern you create with stronger magic, increasing its effectiveness. The exact effect of Clarity will be different for each skill, so you’ll need to plan ahead to gain the most value from it.
The fourth skill, Phantasmal Lancer, allows you to dash at your foe, striking them with your spear. As you dash, a phantasm is created at your starting location. The phantasm will dash through you, striking your initial target and enemies past it. If you use Phantasmal Lancer with Clarity, instead of summoning a phantasm behind you, you will summon two phantasms at your flanks that dash toward the enemy and meet to perform a simultaneous strike!
Mesmer spear is a mobile, high-damage weapon with dynamic gameplay. You’ll want to focus on your positioning in fights so that you can gain Clarity, then choose which abilities you want to empower with it. Due to the unique requirement for careful spacing, this weapon might take some getting used to—but once you get the hang of it, you’ll find yourself weaving a pattern of victory.
Revenant Spear Is a Destructive Masterpiece
Revenants who first heft their spear in battle often say that it reminds them of creation through destruction. Wielding dark power from the Mists, they paint the battlefield through constant pressure and debilitating effects. Let’s dive in and talk about how this condition-based hybrid weapon works.
We’ll start with the fifth weapon skill as the primary ability. Abyssal Raze is a ground-targeted skill with three charges that strikes up to five enemies. You’ll gain up to two stacks of Crushing Abyss per cast every time this skill strikes a foe, which amplifies the next use of Abyssal Raze. At five stacks you’ll reach the maximum effectiveness, causing every stroke of the abyss to deliver the most potent effect. With three ammunition charges available for this skill, let’s discuss how you’ll refresh ammunition using your other spear skills and maintain tremendous pressure on the battlefield while keeping Crushing Abyss active.
The other four revenant spear skills enable the use of Abyssal Raze by reducing its ammunition cooldown and keeping you and your enemies positioned opportunistically on the battleground. Your first skill is a hybrid of ranged or alternating melee strikes, and each of them reduces Abyssal Raze’s cooldown by a very short amount when striking a target. Your second skill is a bread-and-butter area-of-effect attack on a target that reduces your Abyssal Raze cooldown by nearly a full ammunition count. The third skill reduces Abyssal Raze’s cooldown by a static amount and is a movement ability that leaves abyssal mines in your wake, threatening foes who dare chase you as you paint your masterpiece of destruction. And the fourth skill serves as a delayed area crowd control ability to help you land the most optimal damage as enemies attempt to flee your gaze.
With all these new spear abilities coming in hot, we’re excited to watch the masterpieces you create on the battlefield. Happy razing!
Elementalist Spear: Etching for Power
The elementalist wields a spear as a long-range, power-damage weapon capable of conjuring powerful elemental forces such as volcanos, whirlpools, and lightning storms. The spear has a couple of minor defensive tools but is primarily focused on damage and crowd control, leading to a “glass cannon” style of play that will be more comfortable when you’re unleashing spells from a distance rather than ending up in the thick of combat. In today’s post, we’ll cover a few of the skills and some of their shared mechanical aspects.
Starting things off with the fourth air attunement skill, we have Twister, a ranged, ground-targeted area-of-effect skill that (unsurprisingly) creates a twister at the location that damages and inflicts vulnerability on enemies in the area. This skill—as well as the fourth weapon skills in other attunements—has an additional effect against enemies that are within a smaller inner radius near the spell’s center, rewarding precise placement. When Twister strikes enemies near its center, it will also bring those enemies up to float in the air.
Next up is Harden, the third earth attunement skill. This is a personal defensive skill that grants the user barrier and also enhances their next strike from any spear skill to inflict daze on their enemy. The other third-slot weapon skills have some similarities: each is a utility-focused skill that protects or empowers the user and grants a bonus to their next spear skill. All of these skills also have a relatively short casting time—or none at all—which is important for today’s final elementalist sneak peek.
The fifth weapon skill slot contains the most potent skill of each attunement, assuming you can fulfill the requirements. Each skill starts off in its base state, a quick cast that etches a spell circle into the ground. As an example, the fire skill Etching: Volcano creates a spell circle that grants might to the elementalist. The skill then flips over into Lesser Volcano, a ground-targeted spell that erupts to create several damaging strikes. Unlocking the skill’s full potential requires the spell circle to be completed before reactivating the skill. To do so, the user must simply use three other skills while standing inside the etched circle.
This process isn’t limited to spear skills, so instant-casting utility skills can be utilized to speed things up. Once the spell circle is completed, the skill flips once more to its final form—in this case, Volcano—allowing the user to unleash the full potential of the effect. The full-power Volcano erupts for a longer period of time, creating additional damaging areas and inflicting more damage than its lesser version. Other attunements utilize the same etching process, but each has their own flavor and skill effects.
Try Spears Yourself June 27!
Tomorrow, we’ll be showing off all of the new spear skills during a Twitch livestream at noon Pacific Time (UTC-7). In addition, there will be a beta event from June 27 at 9:00 a.m. until June 30 at 10:00 p.m. Pacific Time (UTC-7) where everyone can try out spears and give us feedback!
Let the summer spear fun commence!
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