Delicate Lace Cape Skin
Embroidery is a delicate yet precious art; wear the splendor of this incredible craft. You will be a vision of ethereal grace brought from the heavens above. The Delicate Lace Cape Skin is available for 500 gems.
Gilded Stratus Longbow Skin
Shining with divine beauty, this longbow was designed with a mysterious, distant tower in mind. Its golden details tell a story that will awaken your memories—don’t forget who you are. This gold-plated skin is available for 600 gems.
What’s in Stock
Spring is in full bloom! Enjoy the colorful days ahead with our discounts. Starting May 10 and continuing for the next few days, select Dye Kits will be 20% off, including the Mad King Dye Kit, Shadow Dye Kit, Toxic Dye Kit, Deathly Dye Kit, and many more!
Returning This Week
Character Slot Expansions are 20% off starting today until May 14. Let yourself experience a new, incredible adventure with a fashionable alt!
Available Now in the Gem Store!
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